Friday, May 18, 2007

Setting up bluetooth headset under Linux

I figured out how to use my new Jabra BT-150 headset with Linux. Here's the deal.

  • Install bluetooth-alsa and libsbc packages (feisty backports not there yet)

  • Put the headset in pairing mode
  • bdaddr=$(hcitool scan | awk '/BT150/ {print $1}')

  • sudo hcitool info $bdaddr
  • cat /usr/share/doc/bluetooth-alsa/sample.asoundrc >> ~/.asoundrc
  • Change the default BDADDR in .asoundrc

  • headsetd
That's it. Test using 'mplayer -ao alsa:device=headset'. Now I need to find out how to dynamically switch output based on whether bluetooth headset is there or not.

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